BCFSS performers represent the society at
various public performances each year. These pages tell you where
we've been and where we'll be in the future. We hope you'll come
hear us.
[About BCFSS]
[BCFSS Meetings]
- Policy
- Coming Up
- Previous
[Area Venues]
[Folk Links]
Join us for a night of food, fun,
and frolic. We start with a pot-luck dinner at 5:00pm
(A-H bring an entrée or side dish, I-P bring dessert, Q-Z bring appetizer or
salad). Dinner is served at
5:30. After a short break for cleanup and digestion, we bring on the
band and caller for the main event from 7:30-??. Yes, it's
that kind of a dance - squares, circles, reels, and who knows
what else. But here's the key phrase - NO EXPERIENCE
REQUIRED! It's all about having fun -- not elegance,
skill, or perfection. The caller will teach us the moves
and the more experienced participants will help guide the
others through. If you've never tried this, you
obviously don't know what you're missing. And we have
plenty of room, so the more, the merrier. All we
ask is that, if possible, you sign up at one of our regular
meetings so we know how many guests to prepare for. If
you have any questions, please contact President Sharon Abbott
at president@bucksfolk.org.
Newtown Presbyterian Church
Washington & Chancellor Sts.
Newtown, PA
No Admission Fee
Forge Mountain Ramblers,
with caller
Lane Neubauer